Life With Cason AND Molly

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

I am blessed to be a mother. Honestly, I think it is THE hardest job a person could have. A mother is always busy. A mother hardly gets any time to herself. A mother has to clean and cook, do homework and drive her kids around. But that's not what makes it hard. What makes it hard is the fears for your children's future. Feeling their pain like it's your own. Most of the time feeling their pain is worse than feeling your own. Motherhood is like a roller coaster. You are doing great, laughing, loving, playing, encouraging... then all of the sudden you dive down into fear, sadness and disappointment. But the best part of being a mother is that you know you will come back up the hill. There will always be more cuddles on the couch, more "I love you", more wins than losses. It is the hardest job a person could have but it is also the most rewarding. Thank you Cason and Molly for making me a mother!
The whole family came over for a Mother's Day lunch.

 My wish was to take a walk with my family. 

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