Life With Cason AND Molly

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Diaper Helmet

Yesterday Toby was changing Cason's diaper which is always a little bit amusing (he sings and dances for Cason during diaper changing duty). This is what I saw when I walked in....

Don't worry, it's a clean diaper. Apparently he gets a diaper helmet every time daddy changes his diaper. I'm not sure what the helmet is protecting him from. Maybe I don't want to know. :)
Yesterday Cason met a new milestone! He brought a rattle to his mouth and sucked on it several times! He played with it for about 15 min. I am so proud of my baby boy!

And here is the random picture of the week

Our milk drunk baby!

On another note, thank you for all of your prayers, email, and texts last week as I started back to work. It went really smoothly! I cried when I dropped Cason off on Tues. morning but only a little bit. I didn't completely lose it like I had expected to. Cason is doing really great with his babysitter. He likes watching the other kids play.
Please continue to pray for the Palmer family that I mentioned in the previous post. Morgan passed away this week but now she is pain free in heaven.


Melodie said...

he keeps getting cuter and cuter! so glad that last week was a smooth transition for your fam.

The McFarland Family said...

Oh, Toby, Toby, Toby.... Somehow the diaper helmet does not surprise me at all, but it did make me laugh!

Donnell Days said...

I'm so glad last week went well. Yea! I'm loving the diaper helmet!!!