Life With Cason AND Molly

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

No More Monkey's Jumping On The Bed!

September 27
It was bound to happen at some point. I never would have guessed it would happen to Molly first. Yup, she broke her arm. Her and Cason were jumping off of his bed (which is higher than the normal bed) onto pillows and blankets on the floor. Both Toby and I had told them to stop because they were going to get hurt. Sure enough, Molly starts crying. She is a little bit of a drama queen (ok, huge drama queen) and we honestly thought she was hungry and tired. She kept telling us her wrist hurt but was kind of fake crying. We ate dinner, took showers (which she cried through) and watched fireworks from our back yard. It was while we were watching fireworks that I got truly concerned. She was climbing up the ladder to the fort and sliding down the slide but only using one hand. She wasn't using her left hand at all. I wanted to take her some place to get it looked at but Toby convince me to wait until morning. He still didn't believe she was really hurt. At one point he told her if it was really broken he would buy her a toy.  We put her to bed and at 11:00 she woke up crying. She had been sleeping on her stomach, on her arm, and was in a lot of pain. It was then I decided she couldn't wait any longer. I took her to the nearest ER to have them look at it. Sure enough, it was broken. It was a buckle fracture close to her wrist. Technically the bone didn't break because at her age bones are still bendable, it buckled. Once we got the splint on her she was good to go. A few days (and 1 new toy)  later we got the actual cast. It didn't slow her down at all. In fact, 3 days after getting the hard cast she was trying to do the monkey bars at the park!
The tiny little bump towards the top of the big bone was the fracture. 

All smiles once she got it splinted. It was 1 am and she did surprisingly well!

Showing off her huge soft cast. Thankfully she only had to wear this for 2 days. 
Modeling her pink short arm cast. 

4 long weeks later her last night in the cast. 

And it's off!

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