Yesterday was Cason's 2 month birthday! He is growing and changing like crazy. At his 2 month doctor appt. he weighed 11 lbs and 5 oz and was almost 23 inches long. He still has a tiny head which is stressing his daddy out but the doctor told me that tiny heads can have big brains so there is nothing to worry about! He is smiling, laughing, and talking all the time now. He has also found his hands and enjoys sucking on them and licking them. Who knew hands could be so fun? Toby and I decided that we are both going to quit our jobs and stay at home. Then our only job will be to make Cason smile and laugh! Here are some attempts to catch that wonderful smile!
Just thought this picture was cute!
Yesterday was also Cason's first time to go to church. We took him to our Sunday school class because I am not ready to leave him in the nursery. During prayer our little stinker decided that it was a good time to have a dirty diaper. It was a blow out and everyone in the class heard it! There were a lot of snickers and looks our way. I think that Cason wanted to announce that he was there!
Tomorrow is going to be a sad sad day. I go back to work full time. I think it is going to kill me. I have always said that I didn't want to be a stay at home mom because I enjoy my work and honestly it sounded boring to me. Now that Cason is here I totally understand why moms stay at home with their children. I don't want to miss out on his smiles and laughs. I don't want him to get sick from other children at his babysitters house. I just want to protect him and spend every minute with him. I don't want him to think that I have abandoned him. Unfortunately staying at home is not in our budget so I keep telling myself that moms go to work everyday and their children still love them and are happy. If you don't mind, I would appreciate your prayers as I return to work this week!
While I am on the subject of praying....
There is a little girl named Morgan Palmer and her family who need lots of prayers right now. Her sister was in my class a few years ago and Morgan probably would have been in my class last year but they moved to Utah. Morgan was diagnosed with brain tumor a year ago and her family has decided to stop all treatment because the tumor is growing and they have exhausted all treatment possibilities. Morgan is declining quite rapidly now. I know her family could use all the prayers they can get. You can read more about them at